Sunday 3 February 2013

Super Bowl 2013 Commercials

Super Bowl commercials are an American institution. You know another American institution? Making snap, sweeping judgments on work others spent months and millions creating. We're combining both right here, with quick-hit takes on the best (and the worst, can't forget the worst) ads of Super Bowl XLVII. Winners, losers andfull video ... you'll get it all right here. Here is a sampling of the commercials, followed by our winners and losers:

Budweiser, "Brotherhood"
Plot: Guy raises horse from ponyhood, horse goes on to be a Clydesdale, horse spots former owner years later ... sorry, it's a little dusty in here ...
Verdict: OH COME ON. Are you kidding me? Super Bowl commercials aren't supposed to make you cry! They're supposed to make you laugh or cringe or go reload your plate. This? This ad makes you want to call your parents, hug your kids, and maybe just buy a horse. Flat-out winner out of the gate. Going to be a lot of people dabbing their eyes with cocktail napkins when this one airs.

The NFL, "Leon Sandcastle"
Plot: Deion Sanders decides he wants back in the League, and dresses up as "Leon Sandcastle."
Verdict: Putting aside the fact that if Deion Sanders still had game there'd be no need for a "Leon" (reality! boooo!) this was a fun goof, and we foresee a future character showing up in NFL ads for awhile.

Jeep, "Whole Again"
Plot: We've still got people fighting overseas, you know.
Verdict: It's always a little sleazy when a company yokes itself to patriotism to push product, but the message here overwhelms any buy-our-vehicles shill.
Dodge Ram, "Farmer"
Plot: Talking about how awesome farmers are. That's it.
Verdict: Probably the most effective ad of the night, even if most of America doesn't even know a real farmer.

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